One week to go until Installation Day and the Rumble Strip is taking (enormous) shape. The poetry is being calligraphed elegantly around the organically-shaped rumble areas. Everything has been glued and painted and the warped plywood has been wetted and flattened, rescuing the whole thing from disaster.
It make quite an impression (and sound).

The Webster poets came up with some watery/sky imagery so their piece now has a name:
The Phoenix and the FishWe started some bird and fish choreography (it is a school after all)

Burroughs visited last week to try out the actual instruments. Their piece,
Jungle Dreaminggets very weird in the middle so gives us a good reason to play the Potato Dance (pictured). This involves passing a potato, held in your elbows, from one person to another without dropping it. The winner gets to carry the triumphal pineapple down the Strip.

The whole piece starts with the sounds of raindrops (the ends of the balloon flutes)