"I noticed"
Slow in beginning then got faster
funny dancing
change in pace of music
sounded like stepping on leaves, crunching,
horns were loud
different horns came together to make music
scraping sound of instrument and bottles sounding like birds
string instruments
old lady clothes
a lot of things can make music, even coconuts
flute sounds
headgear (skullphones)
cups used as amplifiers
marimba benches can be sat on and sound like drums
"What did it remind me of?"
ships like beach movie
wind like in Miami beach, comfy
mom's clothing like dance costume
eerie scary jungle movie and scary face
Pinocchio flute sound
"What questions do you have?"
How come up with such ideas?
was it hard?
Did I get paid?
How many did you make?
How long making instruments?
Was it fun?
"What did Philip want to convey?
Show us something never seen before
New things can make music, surprise
Anything is possible
Fish make sounds; that's how they talk to each other
creativity is GOOD
"I noticed"
see-through person
flipping papers
plastic cups
marimba benches
kids screaming
scratching sounds
half invisible lady
different natural materials for sounds
animal growls
no wires making electronic sounds
people making noises
footsteps in field
saw lost woman spinning and reacting to sound
whistling noises
It reminded me of:
Madagascar movie
zoo birds honking
shark tales
Was that a lady?
What did I get out of it?
a taste of music
pay attention to sounds
music can be made out of any materials
music is around you whether you know it or not
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