The pipe organ is the king of instruments for a reason; usually one guy with many units doing his bidding on command. How can we make it a bit less monarchical? In the democratic system it is One Person, One Vote: Repeat Every Four Years (modified here so that everyone with a pipe to play gets to play One Person, One Toot). Sometimes we just play when there are gaps and we want our precious single tone to be heard. Sometimes we take it in turns to be queen for a day (before passing the role on to the next peasant).
The first Organ of Democracy presentation took place during the Republican National Convention in St. Paul, August 2008, about the time Sarah Palin showed up.
The pipes were an eBay find from a barn in Oshkosh, WI and an old farmer who was sure they would end up in a church. The lead-tin alloy mouthpieces have been removed and the spiders routed with baby wipes.
LISTEN (Studio Bricolage, Mpls)
LISTEN (Studio Z)
LISTEN (Banshees at Studio Bricolage)
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